Contribution to Open Source Projects

Last reviewed 9 July 2018 by Crispin Read


Open Source projects are only possible because developers like you contribute their time and expertise. You don't have to be a super experienced developer to have a positive impact and this session will introduce you to the mechanics and tools

Why this is important

Contribution is a great way to get better at code, you can solve problems, be part of projects and work with people that you may not encounter in your day-to-day work. it is also a brilliant way to extend your network within teh development community.


At the end of this training you will be able to:

  1. Understand how issue trackers work
  2. Know how to pick an appropriate issue to work on
  3. Know where to find help and how to get involved

Learner Requirements

  1. Understanding of HTML, CSS, JS, PHP


  1. Why contribute to Open Source
  2. How does it work
  3. What happens at a sprint
  4. How to get involved
  5. Patches
  6. Testing
  7. Finding an appropriate issue to work on
  8. Other ways to help


During Training

  1. Find an issue to work on

After Training

  1. Attend a code sprint


  1. Commit to an open source project

Resources / Reference

  1. Intro Slides on Google Drive
  2. Demo on YouTube